What is Cardiac Arrest? The world’s silent killer.

Cardiovascular disease is caused by disorders of the heart and blood vessels, and includes coronary heart disease (heart attacks), cerebrovascular disease (stroke), raised blood pressure (hypertension), peripheral artery disease, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease and heart failure.
The major causes of cardiovascular disease are tobacco use, physical inactivity, an unhealthy diet and harmful use of alcohol.
Cardiovascular diseases remain the biggest cause of deaths worldwide, though, over the last two decades, cardiovascular mortality rates have declined in many high-income countries. At the same time, cardiovascular deaths and disease have increased at an astonishingly fast rate in low- and middle-income countries.

Types of Cardiovascular Disease

1. Coronary heart disease (also ischaemic heart disease or coronary artery disease)
2. Cardiomyopathy – diseases of cardiac muscle
3. Hypertensive heart disease – diseases of the heart secondary to high blood pressure
4. Heart failure.
5. Cor pulmonale – a failure of the right side of the heart
6. Cardiac dysrhythmias – abnormalities of heart rhythm
7. Valvular heart disease
8. Stroke and cerebrovascular disease
9. Peripheral arterial disease
Stroke is the first cause of acquired disability in the world. A stroke, brain attack, or a Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA), is the sudden death of brain cells caused by a lack of supply in oxygen to the brain. There are two

main types of stroke:

1. Ischemic strokes or cerebral infarcts (80% of strokes) result from a blockage or a reduction of blood flow in an artery that irrigates the brain.
2. Hemorrhagic strokes are due to the rupture of an artery within the brain triggering an intracerebral haemorrhage (15% of strokes) or to the rupture of an aneurysm (arteriovenous malformation) entailing subarachnoid haemorrhage (5% of strokes)
Any of the following risk factors increase your chances of heart disease.
1. A previous heart attack or stroke.
2. A family history of heart disease.
3. Elevated total and LDL cholesterol levels.
4. Low HDL level.
5. High blood pressure.
6. Being a male or a post-menopausal woman.
7. Cigarette smoker.8. Uncontrolled diabetes or high blood pressure.
9. Physical inactivity.
10. Obesity or being overweight.


1. OMEGA-3 SALMON OIL PLUS; 2 soft-gels twice daily.NeoLife Omega 3 Salmon Oil PLUS

2. LIPOTROPIC ADJUNCT; 2 tablets daily.Gnld Lipotropic Adjunct

3. PHYTO-DEFENSE; 1 sachet daily.

4. GARLIC ALLIUM COMPLEX; 2 tablets twice daily.NeoLife Alium Complex

5. VITAMIN E; 2 soft-gels once daily.
Power your heart daily with ALL the listed whole-food supplements*
You are much welcome to join us in the healthcare industry and wellness advocacy in building a rich lifestyle for you and your family; likewise having an independent GNLD NEOLIFE Business and in creating self-empowerment opportunities for you.
Power your health daily with ALL the listed whole-food supplements

When the bladder becomes infected with a disease. The body becomes weak, thus vulnerable to attacks from various diseases.
Bladder infections are characterized by an urgency to always empty the bladder, urination typically is frequent and painful most times. Even after the bladder has been emptied.
The urine often has a strong, unpleasant odour and may appear cloudy too.
Children suffering from Bladder infections may complain of lower abdominal pains and a painful burning sensation when urinating.
NOTE: If untreated, it may lead to Kidney Infection.

Nutritional Health Advice

  • Don’t indulge in alcohol.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Consciously unseat yourself after about 2hours of more of sitting down if your nature of work determines such.
  • Reduce sugary foods.
  • Eat more Fresh fruits and Green Vegetables daily. Eat more oatmeal, wheat meal, wheat bread, local rice.
  • Reduce your spiced foods;
  • eat 3 Cucumbers once a week.
  • Eat 3curbs of Cabbage once a week.
  • Eat 2 bulbs of Tomatoes once a week. Counter every Toxic Substance using GNLD Herbals, thereby regain back your Body’s Metabolism function.

Supplements for Liver and Gall Bladder Disorders

1) Pro Vitality plus in 30 Sachets; use 1 sachet daily.
Neolife Provitality Plus


(2) Vitamin C Sustained Release in 100 Tablets; use 2 tablets twice daily.

(3) Multi-Mineral+AlfaAlfa in 60 Tablets; use 3 tablets daily.

(4) Beta Guard in 100 Tablets; use 3 tablets daily.

Gnld Feminine Herbal complex, best Woman Solution product
(5) Masculine or Feminine Herbal Complex in 60 Tablets; use 2 tablets daily.
NeoLife Alium Complex

(6) Garlic Allium Complex in 60 Tablets; use 2 tablets twice daily.
NeoLife Tre-En-En

(7) Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates in 120 Capsules; use 2 capsules thrice daily.

What is Hypertension or High Blood Pressure?

High Blood Pressure (HBP) or Hypertension is described as the high pressure (tension) in the arteries.
Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the heart to all the tissues and organs of our body. High blood pressure does is not tension, although tension and stress can as well increase someone’s blood pressure.

The normal blood pressure of every person should read 120/80; blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is called pre-hypertension, and blood pressure of 140/90 or above is considered high.
Blood is essential. In addition to carrying fresh oxygen from the lungs and nutrients to the body’s tissues, it also takes the body’s waste products, including carbon dioxide, away from the tissues. This is necessary to sustain life and promote the health of all parts of the body. The Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to all of the body’s tissues.  The Capillaries are small, thin blood vessels that connect the arteries and the veins. Their thin walls allow oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and other waste products to pass to and from our organ’s cells.
The Veins. These are blood vessels that take the blood back to the heart; this blood has lower oxygen content and is rich in waste products that are to be excreted or removed from the body. 

Heart and Cardiovascular Diseases which Hypertension is characterised with includes;

1. Coronary artery disease (narrowing of the arteries)
2. Heart attack
3. Abnormal heart rhythms or arrhythmias
4. Heart failure
5. Heart valve disease
6. Congenital heart disease
7. Heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy)
8. Pericardial disease
9. Aorta disease and Marfan syndrome
High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a major risk factor for heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and heart failure. A blood pressure of 140/90 or higher is considered high. This is called hypertension.
Blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is called prehypertension. This means that you do not have hypertension, but you are likely to develop it in the future unless you adopt lifestyle changes to keep your blood pressure under control.
You can prevent high blood pressure by; Maintaining a healthy weight.
Lose weight if you are overweight. Exercising more. Eating foods low in salt. Eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation, if you drink at all.
Take these dietary supplements from NEOLIFE nutritionals to help feed your Heart Better;

NEOLIFE Supplements for Hypertension/ HBP

1. OMEGA-3 SALMON OIL PLUS; use 2 soft-gels once daily.

2. LIPOTROPIC ADJUNCT; use 2 tablets daily at nights.

3. GARLIC ALLIUM COMPLEX; use 2 tablets daily.

4. VITAMIN E; use 2 soft-gels once daily.

5. FLAVONOID COMPLEX; use 2 tablets once daily.

6. TRE-EN-EN GRAIN CONCENTRATES; use 2 soft-gels twice daily.

7. MIND ENHANCEMENT COMPLEX; use 1 tablet twice daily and

8. ALOE VERA PLUS; use 50ml once a day.
Power your heart daily with ALL the listed whole-food supplements.
Power your health daily with ALL the listed whole-food supplements


Arthritis is just a simple term used as the inflammation of the joints. It can definitely affect one joint or more joints. The two most common types are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Osteoarthritis causes cartilage — the hard, slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they form a joint — to break down. Whereas, Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that first targets the lining of joints (synovium).
Uric acid crystals, infections or underlying diseases, such as psoriasis or lupus, can cause other types of arthritis.
Treatments vary depending on the type of arthritis. The main goals of arthritis treatments are to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.
The symptoms of arthritis usually develop over time, but they may also appear suddenly.
Arthritis is most commonly seen in adults over the age of 65, but it can also develop in children, teens, and younger adults.
Arthritis is more common in women than men and in people who are overweight.


Normal Bone | Osteoarthritis Bone | Rheumatoid Arthritis Bone
The causes of arthritis depend on the form or type of arthritis.


The most common type of arthritis, osteoarthritis causes involves wearing-and-tearing damage to your joint’s cartilage — the hard, slick coating on the ends of bones.
Enough damage can result in bone grinding directly on bone, which causes pain and restricted movement.
This wear and tear can occur over many years, or it can be hastened by a joint injury or infection.


In rheumatoid arthritis, what causes this is attribute to the body’s immune system attacks the lining of the joint capsule, a tough membrane that encloses all the joint parts.
This lining, known as the synovial membrane, becomes inflamed and swollen.
The disease process can eventually destroy cartilage and bone within the joint.


The following are the Risk factors for arthritis. These include:

  • Family history. Some types of arthritis run in families, so you may be more likely to develop arthritis if your parents or siblings have the disorder. Your genes can make you more susceptible to environmental factors that may trigger arthritis.
  • The risk of many types of arthritis — including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout — increases with age.
  • Your sex. Women are more likely than are men to develop rheumatoid arthritis, while most of the people who have gout, another type of arthritis, are men.
  • Previous joint injury. People, who have injured a joint, perhaps while playing a sport, are more likely to eventually develop arthritis in that joint.
  • Carrying excess pounds puts stress on joints, particularly your knees, hips and spine. Obese people have a higher risk of developing arthritis.


The most common signs and symptoms of arthritis involve the joints. Depending on the type of arthritis you have, your signs and symptoms may include:


  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Decreased range of motion


  • Feeling tired or experience a loss of appetite due to the inflammation of the immune system’s activity
  • You may also become anaemic— meaning your red blood cell count decreases — or have a slight fever.


Arthritis either rheumatoid or osteoarthritis treatments focus on relieving symptoms and improving joint function. You may need to try several different treatments or combinations of treatments. But to the scope of this article, Alternative and natural remedy for treating and curing arthritis will be recommended.
To this regards, NEOLIFE Products for treating Arthritis either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid will be recommended.


These GNLD natural products for treating arthritis are very effective in combination which aids the cure and treatment of arthritis types such as osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid bone diseases

GNLD Formula IV Plus (60 sachets)

Neolife Formula Iv Plus Daily use ensures that your cell membranes can function optimally; in turn, supporting the cell’s ability to receive nutrients utilized them, and export important metabolites and eliminates cellular waste. Also, It renews energy and vitality

GNLD Cal-Mag with Vitamin D3 (90tabs):

NeoLife Chelated CalMag
GNLD Calcium-Magnesium is in balance ratio which helps for proper nerve performance, muscle contraction and relaxation. Cal-Mag helps regulate the cardiovascular system and replaces minerals lost from sweating. Prevents cramps, helps burn fat.

GNLD Omega 3 Salmon oil plus (90caps):

NeoLife Omega 3 Salmon Oil PLUS is made from salmon fish to protect joints, tendons & ligaments from the inflammatory stress of training. Eases pain & stiffness and improves flexibility. Provides the PGE1 and PGE3 prostaglandins to improve blood supply to muscles, improve mood, lower blood pressure, increase immunity, normalizes fat metabolism and drop the inflammatory index 68%. Improves performance and speeds recovery.

GNLD Full Motion (90 tabs):

Gnld Full MotionThis helps heal and support cartilage. Glucosamine based, sulphite-free, with anti-inflammatory Boswellia, (boron, silica) and zinc.

GNLD Vitamin C (Sus Release) (100tabs):

GNLD Vitamin C (Sus Release)This improves oxygen use, aerobic endurance and collagen, carnitine and energy production. Vit. C builds healthy tissue, bones and joints; helps heal wounds, scar tissue, injuries, bruises and fractures. It aids in the absorption of iron. Athletes need extra Vitamin. C.

GNLD Garlic Allium (60 tabs)

NeoLife Alium ComplexA supplement in tablet form is an Anti-inflammatory supplement to reduce redness, swelling, and pain of tissue.
DISCLAIMER: *These GNLD Products for treating arthritis (Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis) are not to replace your doctor’s prescriptions but to complements the efficiency of the drugs to aid up the cure.


GNLD Products for shrinking melting and treating uterine fibroid issues in women
Fibroids are mostly known as seen tumors of the female reproductive system. Fibroids, also known as uterine myomas, leiomyomas, or fibromas, are firm, compact tumors that are made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue that develop in the uterus. It is estimated that between 20 to 50 percent of women of reproductive age have fibroids, although not all are diagnosed. Some estimates state that up to 30 to 77 percent of women will develop fibroids sometime during their childbearing years, although only about one-third of these fibroids are large enough to be detected by a health care provider during a physical examination.

In more than 99 percent of fibroid cases, the tumors are benign (non-cancerous). These tumors are not associated with cancer and do not increase a woman’s risk for uterine cancer. They may range in size, from the size of a pea to the size of a softball or small grapefruit.[gnld products for fibroids]


There are four types of fibroids, characterized by their location in the uterus:

Intramural fibroids – located in the wall of the uterus, this is the most common type.
Subserosal fibroids – located outside the wall of the uterus but underneath the tissue layer that surrounds the uterus. They can develop into pedunculated fibroids (stalks) and become quite large.
Submucosal fibroids – located in the muscle beneath the lining of the uterus wall. This type can protrude into the cavity of the uterus.
Cervical fibroids – located in the neck of the womb (the cervix).


While it is not clearly known what causes fibroids, it is believed that each tumor develops from an aberrant muscle cell in the uterus, which multiplies rapidly because of the influence of high estrogen.


Estrogen and progesterone are the hormones produced by the ovaries. They cause the uterine lining to regenerate during each menstrual cycle and may stimulate the growth of fibroids.

Family History

Fibroids may run in the family. If your mother, sister, or grandmother has a history of this condition, you may develop it as well.


Pregnancy increases the production of estrogen and progesterone in your body. Fibroids may develop and grow rapidly while you are pregnant.


Most women have no signs and symptoms of fibroid in their uterus, but around 1 in 3 will experience symptoms, which may include:

  • Anemia (as a result of heavy periods)
  • Backache
  • Constipation
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen (especially if fibroids are large)
  • Frequent urination
  • Heavy, painful periods
  • Pain in the legs
  • Painful sex
  • Swelling in the lower abdomen (especially if fibroids are large)

Other possible signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids include:

  • Labor problems
  • Pregnancy problems
  • Fertility problems
  • Repeated miscarriages


Since most fibroids stop growing or may even shrink as a woman approaches menopause, the health care provider may simply suggest “watchful waiting.” With this approach, the health care provider monitors the woman’s symptoms carefully to ensure that there are no significant changes or developments and that the fibroids are not growing.

But due to the scope of this article the recommendation recommend will be the way to shrink fibroids naturally.


Many women suffering from the symptoms and signs of fibroid don’t want treatment through surgical means; hence looking for other alternative methods. If you don’t want to use the surgical or orthodox means, you can try the herbal or alternative method. From my experience in the health industry, using herbal or alternative method works but main take a bit longer before it works but nevertheless, at the long run, it works.
Gnld Products For Fibroids
I highly recommend NeoLife supplementary products combined together to combat fibroid issues in women, because it has been tested and effective in its responsibility.

Recommended Gnld Products For Fibroids are:

FORMULA IV PLUS in 30 Sachets;

Neolife Formula Iv Plusa unique formula with vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids, sterol plus enzymes. Helps in eliminating any abnormal formation of fibrous tissues.


NeoLife Alium Complexhelps detoxifies carcinogens, combats any infections like yeast, fungal
and bacteria diseases affecting the womb and even fertility.

CHELATED ZINC in 100 Tablets;

Gnld Chelated Zinchelps to repair damaged and or worn-out tissues and balances your hormones.


VITAMIN C SUSTAINED RELEASE in 100 Tabletshelps to reduce bleeding and to strengthen the blood vessels.

VITAMIN B. COMPLEX in 60 Tablets;

Vitamin B. Complex in 60 Tabletsvery important and vital for every woman with Fibroid as it helps the Liver to metabolize excess estrogen that is a main contributory factor for Fibroids.


it helps to regulate the production of estrogen, thus prevents Fibroid tumors as well as Breast Cancer. Aid in the production of necessary enzymes to break down and shrink off these tumors.

OMEGA-3 Salmon Oil Plus 90 capsules;

NeoLife Omega 3 Salmon Oil PLUShelps to decrease the menstrual bleeding and inflammations.


Feminine Herbal Complex A Herbal remedy that supports Women’s unique cyclical needs and Restore Sense of harmonyGnld Feminine Herbal complex, best Woman Solution producthormone balancer for women at different stages of life. Combines effectively with these other supplements to regulate the cyclical needs and relieves cramps and bloating. Delays menopause and heaviness in the breasts and general ache and pains.

KEY BENEFITS OF USING Gnld Products For Fibroids

  • Balances your Hormone function
  • It helps your liver to metabolized excess estrogen which is the major cause of fibroid
  • Relieves hot flush and lining of the Uterus
  • Promotes vitality and normal female function
  • Reduces menstrual cycle irregularities
  • It ensures remove tumors as well those in the breast to prevent breast cancer from occurring.
  • Reduces the effects of high sugar in the bloodstream
  • Increases fertility by as much as 23% in just 3 weeks
  • Reduces all forms of inflammatory effects
  • Kills every infectious disease
  • Promotes cellular function
  • Corrects ovulating seizures
  • Controls and reduce excess bleeding during menstruation

Gnld Hormonal Imbalance and Enlarged Uterus Supplements

Hormonal balancing is very essential in every woman’s reproductive time.
The improportionate distribution of some chemical substances formed in some organs of the body; such as in the ovary adrenal.
Basic enzymatic activities do take place for every woman’s fertility and well-ness to take effect* Sometimes effects the uterus
and becomes enlarged; causing miscarriages.
Other factors are; infections like ovarian cysts, cervical cancer, STD’s etc.

GNLD’s Neolife helpful Nutritionals Supplements and Herbals will re-balance your system and fertility chances.
These very helpful combinations in;
1. Vitamin E in 60 Capsules; take 1 capsule daily.
2. Ami-Tone in 90 Tablets; take 2 tablets daily.
3. Vitamin B. Complex in 60 Tablets; take 1 tablet daily.
4. Cruciferous Plus in 60 Tablets; take 1 tablet daily.
5. Feminine Herbal Complex in 60 Tablets; take 1 tablet daily.
6. Formula IV Plus in 60 Sachets; take 1 sachet daily.


  • Helps the body metabolism to re-direct itself back with adequate enzymes and phytonutrients for the cells to function well.
  • Reduces muscle spasms and promoting vitality.
  • Reduces irregularities in menstrual cycle.
  • Overcomes heavy menstrual flow.
  • Counteracts the effect of itching and irritations around the genital regions.
  • Helps to counteracts stress and prevents nervousness.
  • Essential lipids and sterols often lacking in our everyday meal, to help the cellular organs feel their best at all times.
  • Regulates the immune system, thereby relieves hot flushes.
  • Activating excess fats into soluble energy.
  • Improves your fertility rate.
  • Prevents any formation of cancers, especially breast cancer.
  • Normalises your hormone function, thereby eases menstrual and breast tenderness.
  • Prevents the growth of tumours.
  • Alleviates mood swings, depression and exhaustion.
  • Improves general wellness.

Count on our Neolife’s Specialty HERBALS FOR OPTIMAL WELLNESS
Clinically Proven Natural Formulas, Based in Nature, Backed by Science
VITAMIN E; NO. A7-1222
AMI-TONE: NO. 04-8328

3-Day Detox is a Simple Way to Cleanse, Balance and Energize. A great way to kick starts weight management or fitness program!


  • ENHANCES Proper elimination*
  • KICK START A new or ongoing weight loss or fitness program!
  • BENEFITS Encourages a mild cleansing action and aids the body’s natural processes * Promotes a healthy gut! *
  • EXCLUSIVE BETAGARD: Proprietary formulation of carefully selected vitamins, minerals and carotenoids that strengthen the body’s natural ability to detoxify and neutralize harmful agents that negatively impact health* ACIDOPHILUS PLUS™ :Exclusive ‘Gel-Gard’ Enteric Protection System guarantees delivery by protecting against harsh stomach acid and ensuring that maximum numbers of live bacteria are delivered in the intestine* GARLIC ALLIUM COMPLEX: Exclusive Targeted Delivery Technology takes garlic’s active allicin directly to your intestine, eliminating aftertaste and maximizing absorption*
  • HELPS Proper removal of toxins from the body*Promote healthy immune function*Slow down premature aging*Promote increased energy*
  • ABSOLUTELY No artificial anything! No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives!

Key Benefits

Top 5 Reasons to Detox

  • Remove Toxins from the body
  • Healthy Immune Function
  • Jump Start a Weight
  • Loss Program
  • Slow Premature Aging
  • Increase Energy

What’s included
3-Day Detox Guide
A comprehensive yet simple companion to show
you the way.

Powerful 3-Day Detox Supplements:


Gentle, natural laxative for occasional irregularity.* Encourages a mild cleansing action to aid the body’s natural processes*


Exclusive Targeted Delivery Technology takes garlic’s active allicin directly to your intestine, eliminating aftertaste and maximizing absorption*


The proprietary formulation of carefully selected vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids that strengthen the body’s natural ability to detoxify and neutralize harmful agents that negatively impact health*


Regulate intestinal activity, promote colon health and support immunity with
a healthy balance of intestinal flora.*


Promote instant energy, fat burning, and efficient metabolism.*


Deliciously wholesome protein drink for daily nutrition and weight management.


Days 1 & 2 in the morning: Take 2 Neo-Lax tablets, 1 Garlic Allium Complex tablet, and 3 Betagard® tablets.
Days 1 & 2 in the evening: Take 2 Neo-Lax tablets and 1 Garlic Allium Complex.
Day 3 in the morning: Take 3 Betagard® tablets and 1 Acidophilus Plus capsule.
Day 3 in the evening: Take 1 Acidophilus Plus capsule.
Days 4-7: Take 1 Acidophilus Plus capsule in the morning and evening.
NeoLifeTea: Mix 1/2 stick (1.8g) per 8 fl. oz. of hot or cold water.
NeoLifeShake: Mix contents of 1 packet in 8 fl. oz. ice-cold water in a shaker or blender. It can also be mixed in milk.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.


Diabetes often referred to by doctors as diabetes mellitus, describes a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body’s cells do not respond properly to insulin or both. Normally, the pancreas (an organ behind the stomach) releases insulin to help your body store and use the sugar and fat from the food you eat. Diabetes can occur when the pancreas produces very little or no insulin, or when the body does not respond appropriately to insulin. Patients with high blood sugar will typically experience polyuria (frequent urination), they will become increasingly thirsty (polydipsia) and hungry (polyphagia).


The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.


Type 1 diabetes is caused by the immune system destroying the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. This causes diabetes by leaving the body without enough insulin to function normally. This is called an autoimmune reaction, or autoimmune cause because the body is attacking itself. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

There are no specific diabetes type 1 causes, but the following triggers may be involved:

  • Viral or bacterial infection
  • Chemical toxins within food
  • Unidentified component causing an autoimmune reaction


Type 2 diabetes causes are usually multifactorial – more than one diabetes cause is involved. Often, the most overwhelming factor is a family history of type 2 diabetes.

If you have type 2 diabetes, which means your body does not make use of insulin well. You can diabetes type 2 can occur at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes. There are a variety of risk factors for type 2 diabetes, any or all of which increase the chances of developing the condition.

These include:

  • Obesity
  • Living a sedentary lifestyle
  • Increasing age
  • Bad diet


The causes of diabetes in pregnancy also known as gestational diabetes remain unknown. However, there are a number of risk factors that increase the chances of developing this condition:

  • Family history of gestational diabetes
  • Overweight or obese
  • Suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Have had a large baby weighing over 9lb


  • Frequent urination
  • Weight gain
  • Increased fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Cuts and bruises don’t heal properly or quickly
  • More skin and/or yeast infections
  • Itchy skin
  • Gums are red and/or swollen – Gums pull away from teeth
  • Frequent gum disease/infection
  • Sexual dysfunction among men
  • Numbness or tingling, especially in your feet and hands


Over time, high blood glucose leads to problems such as

  • heart disease
  • hypertension
  • stroke
  • kidney disease
  • eye problems
  • dental disease
  • nerve damage
  • foot problems


Normal blood sugar level must be (80-100) mg/dl, immediately after eating (170-200) mg/dl, and 2-3 hours after eating (120-140) mg/dl as depicts in the image below.


The successful treatment makes all the difference to long-term health and achieving balanced diabetes treatment can be the key to living with both diabetes type 1 and type 2.

Treatment varies for each individual, not simply on the type of diabetes that they have, but also more individual-specific diabetic treatment differences. But to the scope of this article, the treat can be managed through lifestyle, diets and supplementation of supplements.


Neolife helpful Nutritionals Supplements and Herbals alternatives will help re-balance your immune system and vitality.
These are very helpful in the combination of the following nutritional supplements;

Fibre Tablets in 120 Tablets;

Take 3 tablets morning, afternoon and evening before each meal.

  • Contains a balanced variety of soluble and insoluble Fibre. Each serving of 4 tablets provides 2 g of Dietary Fibre.
  • Helps relieve for Ulcer, Spleen inflammation, gum problems.
  • It cleans the kidney.
  • Helps to burn off excess weight gains when used regularly with a glass of water every morning, 30 minutes before a meal.

NeoLife Shake 750g;

GNLD Nutrishake whey Protein Shake supplement take 2 scoops in 8fl.oz. ice cold in a shaker or blender. You can mix with
A delicious and convenient shake to help satisfy hunger while giving you lasting energy. Based on the science of cellular nutrition & GR2 Control Technology for daily nutrition and weight management
Proprietary blend: 18 grams of high-quality protein essential for cellular nutrition and energy, with 5 grams of fibre.
GR2 (Glycemic Response) Control Technology helps minimize fat storage, promotes fat burning.
Includes muscle-retaining Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs).
Promotes Gut-Brain Satiety Signaling

Formula IV Plus 30 sachets;

Neolife Formula Iv Plus take 2 sachets daily.

  • Formula IV with additional mineral support and 50% more Tre-en-en®. Iron-free formulation
  • The broad spectrum of nutrients for optimal wellbeing and vitality in an iron-free formula.
  • Supplies nutrients often lacking in a diet
  • Enhances the effective functioning of the kidneys and liver
  • Builds up resistance against sickness and viruses
  • Counteracts the draining (exhaustion) effects of stress
  • Balances your hormone supplies emotional stability.

Vitamin B. Complex in 60 Tablets;

Vitamin B. Complex in 60 Tabletstake 1 tablet daily.

  • Helps to detoxify the body from toxins, mercury, lead etc. reasons why city dwellers need it every day.
  • Inhibits cancer growth by 90%*; cancer we fear most – Breast, Prostate, Cervical, Lungs, Colon, and Digestive tracts.

Help to combat oxidative damage to cells and offer significant benefits to our general well-being.

Carotenoid Complex in 30 Capsules; 

Neolfe Carotenoid complex
Protection of cells against free radicals.
Encapsulating in an oxygen-free environment to prevent oxidation and maximize nutrient value.
Curbs oxidation damage to cells by 44%. Enhances the immune system by 37% in just 20 days, as proven by the research done by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 
Take 3 capsules daily.

Thermogenic Enhancer 42 tabs; 

TNeoLife Thermogenic Enhancer 42 tabsake 3 tablets daily 30mins before meals
Support weight loss by burning fat and boosting your metabolism.

  • Helps the body burn fat for energy.
  • Helps stabilize appetite.
  • Promotes increased energy utilization.
  • Either you’re already diagnosed as having Type 1 Diabetes; insulin-dependent Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes; Non-insulin dependent Diabetes or if it’s Gestational Diabetes, your total care and vitality are well guaranteed when you do begin supplementing your diet using GNLD’s Nutritional Supplements.


  • Helps to reduce blurred vision associated with this ailment.
  • Improves your Heart risks of developing ANY of the cardiovascular diseases.
  • Helps to re-balance back your blood sugar levels over time.
  • The Neolife Shake helps boost your fibre intakes to suppress built-up glucose in your body system.
  • Garlic Allium Complex helps to restore Insulin function needed to adequately breakdown these sugar levels.
  • Enhances your body cells to function optimally.
  • Detoxifies the entire organs of the body from aggravated toxins and free radicals contributing to this cell damage experienced before.
  • Alleviates depression, sores, numbness and cramps.
  • Prevents all forms of Heart diseases.
  • Improves general wellness and increased energy.

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