GNLD NEOLIFE Supplements for Asthma Care

Chronic Respiratory Conditions, caused by spasms.
This condition is enhanced using GNLD whole food supplements!
A Chronic Respiratory Condition caused by a spasm in the muscles surrounding the small airways in the lungs called Bronchi. 

Causes Of Asthma

  • It isn’t clear why some people get asthma and others don’t, but it’s probably due to a combination of environmental and genetic (inherited) factors.
  • Asthma triggers
  • Exposure to various irritants and substances that trigger allergies (allergens) can trigger signs and symptoms of asthma.
  • Asthma triggers are different from person to person and can include:
  • Airborne substances, such as pollen, dust mites, mould spores, pet dander or particles of cockroach waste
  • Respiratory infections, such as the common cold
  • Physical activity (exercise-induced asthma)
  • Cold air
  • Air pollutants and irritants, such as smoke
  • Certain medications, including beta blockers, aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and naproxen (Aleve)
  • Strong emotions and stress
  • Sulfites and preservatives added to some types of foods and beverages, including shrimp, dried fruit, processed potatoes, beer and wine
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which stomach acids back up into your throat

Read Cataract Prevention Supplement

Risk factors Of Asthma

A number of factors are thought to increase your chances of developing asthma. These include:

  • Having a blood relative (such as a parent or sibling) with asthma
  • Having another allergic condition, such as atopic dermatitis or allergic rhinitis (hay fever)
  • Being overweight
  • Being a smoker
  • Exposure to secondhand smoke
  • Exposure to exhaust fumes or other types of pollution
  • Exposure to occupational triggers, such as chemicals used in farming, hairdressing and manufacturing

Also, Read NeoLife Supplement For Staphylococcus

 Asthma Complications

Asthma complications include:

  • Signs and symptoms that interfere with sleep, work or recreational activities
  • Sick days from work or school during asthma flare-ups
  • Permanent narrowing of the bronchial tubes (airway remodelling) that affects how well you can breathe
  • Emergency room visits and hospitalizations for severe asthma attacks
  • Side effects from long-term use of some medications used to stabilize severe asthma
  • The proper treatment
  •  makes a big difference in preventing both short-term and long-term complications caused by asthma.

NeoLife Supplements For Asthma:

  • Garlic Allium Complex in 60 Tablets; take 2 tablets each day.

  • Chelated Cal-Mag with Vitamin D3 in 90 Tablets; take 2 tablets daily.

  • Omega-3 Salmon Oil plus in 90 Capsules; take 2 capsules daily.

  • Lipotropic Adjunct in 90 Tablets; take 2 tablets daily.

  • Vitamin E in 60 Capsules; take 2 capsules daily.

  • Beta Guard in 100 Tablets; take 2 tablets daily.

  • Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates in 120 Capsules; take 2 capsules each day.

NEOLIFE Supplements For Sickle Cell Anemia Management 

Being challenged with the Sickle Cell Anemia, an unhealthy condition of not having the proper number of red blood cells in the body. Could be hereditary in some families.
Most times, clogging the circulatory system; depriving the body tissues of oxygen. (1)


Signs and symptoms of sickle cell anaemia, which vary from person to person and change over time, include:

  • Anaemia. Sickle cells break apart easily and die, leaving you without enough red blood cells. Red blood cells usually live for about 120 days before they need to be replaced. But sickle cells usually die in 10 to 20 days, leaving a shortage of red blood cells (anaemia). Without enough red blood cells, your body can’t get the oxygen it needs to feel energized, causing fatigue.
  • Episodes of pain. Periodic episodes of pain, called crises, are a major symptom of sickle cell anaemia. Pain develops when sickle-shaped red blood cells block blood flow through tiny blood vessels to your chest, abdomen and joints. Pain can also occur in your bones. The pain varies in intensity and can last for a few hours to a few weeks. Some people have only a few pain episodes. Others have a dozen or more crises a year. If a crisis is severe enough, you might need to be hospitalized. Some adolescents and adults with sickle cell anaemia also have chronic pain, which can result from bone and joint damage, ulcers and other causes.
  • Painful swelling of hands and feet. The swelling is caused by sickle-shaped red blood cells blocking blood flow to the hands and feet.
  • Frequent infections. Sickle cells can damage an organ that fights infection (spleen), leaving you more vulnerable to infections. Doctors commonly give infants and children with sickle cell anaemia vaccinations and antibiotics to prevent potentially life-threatening infections, such as pneumonia.
  • Delayed growth. Red blood cells provide your body with the oxygen and nutrients you need for growth. A shortage of healthy red blood cells can slow growth in infants and children and delay puberty in teenagers.
  • Vision problems. Tiny blood vessels that supply your eyes may become plugged with sickle cells. This can damage the retina — the portion of the eye that processes visual images, leading to vision problems.

Needful and very Essential Neolife Supplements for Sickle Cell management;

1. NeolifeShake Drink in 752grms-in 3 flavours; take 2 spoons daily with any oatmeal. GNLD

Nutrishake whey Protein Shake supplement
From whole food sources-soya, oat, and guar. It helps promote satiety, digestion and heart health* Powering your body with quality sources of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals, enzymes and antioxidants.
Contains rich proteins which feed the cells and boosts energy, helps your body build and repair tissues; fuels the creation of enzymes, hormones and antibodies, and promotes healthy bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood* 
2. Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates in 120 Capsules; take 3 capsules daily.NeoLife Tre-En-En 

Helps the Cells function more by allowing nutrients to get in and waste to get out.
Neutralizes and eliminates liver fat that brings about the liver malfunction, low sex drives and blood fat.
Tre-en-en is the world’s first and only wholegrain Lipids and Sterols Supplements that optimizes cell membrane function. 
3. Beta Gard in 90 Tablets; take 2 tablets daily.Gnld Beta Guard 

Whole food based antioxidant to protect against environmental toxins.
Your first line of nutritional defence against damaging free radicals from pollution, exhaust fumes, chemicals, smog and other environmental toxins. Promotes the body’s natural detoxifying processes and helps guard your health against environmental and free radical challenges.
Delivers B-vitamins that assist in detoxifying environmental pollutants.
This cancer nutritional supplement includes Zinc, GTF Chromium and Selenium, which have been shown to play an important role in the body’s response to heavy metal exposure.
The proprietary formulation of carefully selected vitamins, minerals and carotenoids that strengthen the body’s natural ability to detoxify and neutralize harmful agents that negatively impact health. 
4. All-C Chewable in 90 Tablets; GNLD neolife chewable All−C

take 2 tablets each day. Vitamin C supports the proper functioning of the immune system in the body but is rarely obtained in sufficient quantities.
Sustained Release Vitamin C has 430 mg of vitamin C per tablet which is equivalent to the power of 8 oranges in each tablet.
Threshold controlled technology used in developing NEOLIFE’s Sustained Release Vitamin C helps maintain elevated blood levels of vitamin C with a slow release over 6 hours.
Highly-potent and has high-purity with citrus bioflavonoids and exclusive Neo-Plex Concentrate for whole food goodness. 
5. Flavonoid Complex in 60 Tablets; take 2 tablets daily.

Potent water soluble super antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Anti-allergy and anti-infection action
Prevents oxidative cell damage and ageing.
Flavonoids work with Vitamin C to protect the watery areas in and around the cells and in body fluids like blood. 
6. Carotenoid Complex in 90 Capsules; NeoLife Carotenoid Complex
take 2 capsules daily.

Protection of cells against free radicals. Encapsulating in an oxygen-free environment to prevent oxidation and maximize nutrient value.
Curbs oxidation damage to cells by 44%.
Enhances the immune system by 37% in just 20 days, as proven by the research done by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

What is the prostate gland?

The prostate is a gland about the size of a walnut. It is part of the male reproductive system and wraps around the tube that carries urine out of the bladder.
It grows larger as you get older. If your prostate gets too large, it can cause health issues.
Having prostate problems does not always mean you have cancer.
Sometimes a doctor may find a problem during a routine checkup or by doing a rectal exam. If you think there is something wrong with your prostate, see your doctor right away.

What are the common prostate problems?

 What are the symptoms and signs?
Here are some examples of non-cancer prostate problems:
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, means your prostate is enlarged but is not cancerous. It is very common in older men. An enlarged prostate may make it very difficult to urinate or cause dribbling after you urinate. You may feel the need to urinate a lot, often at night

Prostate Disorder Definition And Facts

  • The prostate is a gland that is a part of the male reproductive system that wraps around the male urethra near the bladder.
  • The gland is about the size of a walnut and grows larger as you age.
  • Enlargement of the prostate gland can cause symptoms, for example:
  • Dribbling urine
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Frequent urination
  • Blood in the semen or urine
  • Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, pelvic or rectal area, or the upper thighs
  • Urinary incontinence (the inability to urinate)
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Common prostate problems in men include:
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
  • Acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis
  • Chronic prostatitis (non-bacterial).

To diagnose the cause of the prostate problem, the doctor will do a rectal exam, patient history and take bacterial cultures if the infection is suspected and ruling out prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is common in men over 50, especially in African Americans and in men who eat fatty food and/or have a father or brother with prostate cancer.

Initial procedures and tests to diagnose prostate cancer may include:

  • A rectal exam
  • Ultrasound
  • Assessment of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels
  • Prostate cancer is definitively diagnosed by a tissue biopsy.
  • Treatments for prostate cancer may include:
  • Surveillance
  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Hormone therapy or other treatments such as radio waves, microwaves lasers
  • Medical treatments to reduce symptoms.

Many, but not all, doctors believe that men under the age of 75 should have yearly PSA tests.
Identifying prostate problems early is a way to reduce future prostate problems.

NeoLife Supplements for Prostate Disorders: Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate gland, that usually appears in older males but is a gradual enlargement over a period of years and also in younger men.
NeoLife Supplements For Prostate Disorder are;
NeoLife Masculine Herbal Complex

Masculine Herbal Complex
Gnld Ami-Tone

Vitamin E

Gnld/Neolife Vitamin E
NeoLife Vitamin E
Gnld Chelated Zinc

Chelated Zinc en
NeoLife Tre-En-En

Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates

Key Features

  • Regulates male function and balances hormone production.
  • Improves urine flow. Counteracts the effect causing low sperm count.
  • Excellent for male performance.
  • Prevents the enlargement of the prostate gland. Enhances male function and desire.
  • Relieves muscles spasm and delivers needed oxygen to the genital area.
  • Promotes healing and provides energy to combat fatigue and prolonged stress. Increases stamina, effective for chronic weakness.
  • Good for heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, spleen and stomach disorders.

End The PAIN and Embarrassment Of Premature Ejaculation today!

Sick and tired of the humiliation of premature ejaculation? Drop everything and read every word on this page… the next few minutes could change your life completely…  
“How You Can Last 10-30 Minutes Longer In Bed Tonight &
Permanently End The Pain & Embarrassment Of
Premature Ejaculation
We have used a combination of gnld supplements for years.
This is scientifically proven combination works and that is what we have seen happen for the past 10 years.
This combination is safe and has no side effect.
Many people do not know how to combine these and products to produce the result we have had for years.
Men who use this combination have gained respect and better treatment from their wives.

Others told us that their wife who left returned. One Chief whose 3 wives ran away told us 2 returned after using our combination and he married a new wife because peak performance was no longer a problem.
Dear Friend,
Are you experiencing quick ejaculation? Embarrassing isn’t it?
Every time you get started, you’re suddenly ready to finish within minutes or even seconds… your body tenses, your breathing gets ragged… and it’s all over before you even started.
Your partner looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and amusement… she says it’s okay, but deep down, she wishes you could last longer and give her the time of life. You know it, she knows it, and you can see it in her eyes.
So yeah, it is embarrassing… but really, it’s way beyond that.
It’s humiliating. It makes you feel like less than a man doesn’t it? It makes you lose respect in her eyes.
And in a way, it’s even worse if you’re in a long term relationship. Having to constantly look at your partner in the eye after a bad performance can become a real romance killer.
The other day a man said his wife refuses to serve him food the next morning due to the poor performance.
It can be terrible, can’t it? After a while, Premature Ejaculation is more than a bedroom problem… it’s tentacles can reach many aspects of your life… Your self-esteem, your mood, your relationship success, and pretty much anything else that revolves around your overall happiness in life.
It will finally lead to worry and the fear that your wife or girlfriend would eventually cheat on you – after all, if you couldn’t satisfy her, surely she’d give up and look for someone who could. 
Well, that’s exactly what many women do, sleep with the house boy, the driver or just run away with another man.
You might have experienced it or can sense it coming due to the change of attitude of your partner towards you. Your sex life is now in shamble.
I remember a man came into my office and he is well over 60 years but was worried that his wife will leave him because of erection problem if he did not do something. He said l should help because he does not want to be like his two friends who had this problem and their wives left. One went drinking and became useless and the other one committed suicide due to his wife running away with another man. I told him, but you have been with this woman for years and she is the mother of your children where will she run to now? He said, communication is gradually breaking down already and he can’t see himself staying alone for the rest of his life. Who will marry him when he has no erection? I agreed with him and gave him the combination, today he is happy.
So if you feel like you’ve suffered enough… if you’re completely frustrated and embarrassed every time you have sex… if all you want is to gain control over your ejaculation and last longer…
…The effective combination of gnld products is what you need.
There are foods you should avoid or limited to enjoy sex and be in control in bed once again- satisfy your partner.
Two men told us that after using our combination the first night, their wives give them special treatment. One said the wife cooked a special breakfast he used to enjoy before the whole thing went bad. In fact, when he woke the next day he smell the breakfast he has not eaten for years and he wonders what happened to his wife. While eating the breakfast he remembers that last night the wife was happy the way he performs in bed which must have given him this better treatment.
The other one said, for years the wife refuses to greet him upon waking up but after this night performance she greeted him with all smile. He ended by saying that if ever he wanted another supply of this combination and he is in the presence of people he will just say “please supply me the gnld combination of supplement that makes women smile”
If You Would Like to Experience:
Deeply satisfying sex that lasts as long as you want it to…
Instant improvements with your premature ejaculation, no matter how severe it may be…
A totally new level of ejaculation control that is completely natural, permanent, and effective…
An end to the embarrassment of not being able to satisfy a woman…
…then this is what you’ve been looking for all along time.
If You’ve Been Suffering From Premature Ejaculation, There’s One Important
Thing You Need To Know…
You’re not alone…
In fact, you’re very far from alone.
Statistics show premature ejaculation is a regular problem for 20-40% of all men.
So at any time, 4 men out of 10 are suffering… and suffering regularly.
Even though it feels like you’ve got some kind of terrible disease and it’s all your fault, it’s
really not.
Chances are that medically, there’s nothing wrong with you.
That’s what makes premature ejaculation so easy to fix – in most cases, it takes nothing more
then a little fine tuning to see major improvements…
It really is easy – and by following specified diet adjustment in addition to the gnld
combination of food supplements, you’ll get permanent results, and even last
considerably longer tonight.
This problem is humiliating, a man (his first wife ran way because of the problem so don’t judge him- he is frustrated) agreed to pacify his wife and pay for a night at a hotel
so his wife can sleep with another man who admires her to prevent her attempt of running
away. He has spent so much money to gain his erection back but to no avail. After just 2
months on our products, he gains his wife respect back. After this, the wife was always
showering the husband with a small gift here and there and l happen to witness one of such
surprise – a secret birthday celebration. She is definitely no longer planning to leave the man
for another man.

Vaginitis Infections Supplements for Fighting Infections 

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, causing a white or yellow vaginal discharge, and a burning or itching sensation.

Causes Of Vaginitis 

  • The most common cause of vaginitis is Diabetes, taking Antibiotics, Oral Contraceptives, Pregnancy, Vitamin B deficiency ora Yeast Infection. Ailments of the vagina caused by a bacterial infection.
  • It usually affects people with diabetes or high blood sugar levels.
  • It’s a bacteria disease**


Whitish or yellowish discharge from the vagina; accompanied by burning or itching, which can lead to swelling and wounds on the vagina.

 Start your supplementation programme for this ailment with our nature’s best nutrition;

1. Vitamin A & D in 60 softgels

  • Promotes the growth and healing of the body’s tissues.
  • Beneficial for the healing of boils, lack of appetite.
  • Also, prevents colds, nervousness and emphysema.
  • Prevents diarrhoea.
  • Helps maintain gold vision and assists in bone development and maintenance of teeth.    Promotes the growth of visual purple which is essential for night vision.

2. Feminine Herbal Complex in 60 tablet

Gnld Feminine Herbal complex, best Woman Solution product

  • Helps for irregularities in menstruation.
  • Reduces heavy menstrual flow.
  • Calms menstrual cramps, bloating and breast tenderness.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Promotes vitality and normal female function.
  • Relieves mild depression, mild anxiety and stress.
  • Relieves urine retention and assist in excretion of excess fluid.
  • Reduces excessive sweating.
  • Good for an irritable monthly cycle or have PMS
  • Helps for menstrual cramps.

3. Garlic Allium Complex in 60 tablets

NeoLife Alium Complex Natural antibiotic that fights infection.

A landmark study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Vol. 94 No.21) reports that men who ate 10 grams of allium vegetables, like garlic and onions, per day, cut their prostate cancer risk by 50%.
NeoLife Tre-En-En


4. Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates in 120 softgels
Helps the Cells function more efficiently by allowing nutrients to get in and waste to get out.
Neutralizes and eliminates liver fat that brings about the liver malfunction, low sex drives and blood fat.

Tre-en-en is the world’s first and only wholegrain Lipids and Sterols Supplements that optimizes cell membrane function.

5. Vitamin C. Sustained Release in 100 tablets   Vitamin C supports proper functioning of the immune system in the body but is rarely obtained in sufficient quantities.
Sustained Release Vitamin C has 430 mg of vitamin C per tablet which is equivalent to the power of 8 oranges in each tablet.
Threshold controlled technology used in developing NEOLIFE’s Sustained Release Vitamin C helps maintain elevated blood levels of vitamin C with a slow release over 6 hours.
Highly-potent and has high-purity with citrus bioflavonoids and
 exclusive Neo-Plex Concentrate for whole food goodness.
6. Vitamin B. Complex in 60 tablets 

Promotes breast milk secretion.
To prevent bleeding during and after delivery, add Cal-Mag.   
Prevents tiredness and listlessness. 
Counteracts stress and prevents nervousness. 
For PMS care when used with Vitamin C. Sustained Release, Feminine Herbal Complex and Aloe Vera Plus*

Key Benefits Of NeoLife Vitamin C. Sustained Release:

  • Enhances your body with the much-needed energy and vitality daily. Helps to restore your feminine function by re-balancing your hormone system.
  • Combats all forms of infections; bacteria, virus and/or fungi.
  • Helps to treat all irregular menstruation.
  • Reduces depression, anxiety and irritability.
  • Helps against Urine retention.
  • Relieves those pains you experience during your cycles.
  • Eliminates any trace leading to a Bladder Infection
  • **Relieves P.M.S (Premenstrual Syndrome)An excellent combination of Natural antibiotics that fights infection
  • *Strengthens your Immune System-promotes formation of antibodies against such bacterias.

The GARLIC ALLIUM COMPLEX helps to also fight traces of Anaemia, Intestinal Cancer, Fibroids, Pneumonia, Constipation, Big Belly, Worms, Allergy, Hypertension.
Count on our Neolife Specialty HERBALS FOR OPTIMAL WELLNESS Clinically Proven Natural Formulas, Based in Nature, Backed by Science

Pro Tips to get Vitamins and Supplements for Arthritis and Joint Pain

Fighting arthritis is all about fighting inflammation. The vitamins and supplements for arthritis and joint pain help to reduce inflammation so that there is a relief in the affected area. Here is a list of our pro tips to get them.


It is important to make sure you are not short on vitamin intake when you are fighting against arthritis and joint pain. These are some pro tips to get the most important vitamins:
·       Vitamin C. This has many benefits on the overall health. Use it as a complement to your diet when you have arthritis. There are no specific indications, just make sure you are fulfilling your daily intake. Vitamin C is the primary antioxidant substance that promotes the development of connective tissue. This is how it helps to fight against arthritis. It has a better effect when you get it from natural sources like critics, and not as a food supplement
·       Vitamin D: When you are taking corticosteroids orally, you might be short on this vitamin. Check and see if you need to increase your daily intake or add a supplement.
Natural Supplements
There are too many food supplements on the market that are artificially designed. Nevertheless, they can still not go over the quality of nutrients coming from natural sources. Even meals that are grown naturally have more positive effects than those that are genetically modified or treated with chemicals.
Next, we have a list of some of the most popular vitamins and supplements for arthritis and joint pain you will find on the market.
·       Curcuma longa. This substance is also called Curcumin or Turmeric. Curcuma longa is of most use when fighting pain. It has proved to reduce swelling and even inflammation. Therefore, it is one of the most effective natural supplements.
·       Avocado. This fruit has unsaponifiable (ASU). The substance has proved to benefit regenerating connective tissue. In the long run, it will reduce the progression of arthritis, joint pain or related diseases.
·       Uncaria tomentose. This substance comes in a herb called cat’s claw. Most times, the element comes in food supplements, but you can take it also in the form of natural teas.
·       Fish oil. This is a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. The effect of fish oil is to reduce the stiffness and tenderness of the joints.
·       Ginger. This is a natural anti-inflammatory that is compared to the power of ibuprofen. It has proved to be effective reducing arthritis pain and inflammation.
·       The Devil’s Claw herb. It can relieve pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Be careful since it is known to be adverse when you take blood thinners or meds against diabetes.
·       Green tea. It is delicious and reduces swelling and inflammation, which are common in arthritis and joint pain conditions. 4 to 6 cups are recommended.
·       Apium graveolens. Also known as the celery seed, this has been a natural remedy for years. Although it is mainly used as a diuretic, it can help against arthritis.
Other Supplements
·       GLA. GLA stands for Gamma Linoleic Acid. This is a fatty acid with omega-6. The substance eventually transforms itself into a potent anti-inflammatory. The improvements are evidently reducing the pain of the joints, stiffness, and even the strength of the grip on arthritis patients.
·       Indian frankincense. This is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory substance. The best of it is that it also helps to prevent the loss of cartilage that is characteristical of the autoimmune process of this disease.
·       Capsicum frutescent. This substance comes in the form of cream or gel to be applied topically. It acts as a pain killer. Most people use it to treat osteoarthritis.
·       Glucosamine. This is a useful supplement that helps to protect the cartilage deterioration. As a consequence, the joints have better movement.
·       Chondroitin Sulfate. This substance has proved to be useful to stop certain types of arthritis. Ask your licensed doctor if it can be helpful to your case.
·       MSM. The full name of this substance is methylsulfonylmethane. It is found in a natural way in vegetables and fruits in general but in small quantities. Its most common form is as a food supplement. However, do not underestimate the effect of natural sources. It helps especially when you are suffering knee osteoarthritis. The only contraindication comes if you take blood-thinning meds.
We gave you a broad list of vitamins and supplements for arthritis and joint pain. Go first for natural sources, and always inform your doctor which supplements are you taking. In particular, if you are suffering from other health conditions it can be substantial. Some of the substances we just listed can interfere with other treatments. For example, diabetes is one of the diseases that pose additional risks when taking some of these substances.
Best Food for ARTHRITIS & Bone/joint pain.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil and joint pain
Researchers from the University of Catania in Italy added extra-virgin olive oil (EVVO) to the diets of rats with joint injuries.

 After eight weeks, the rats had significantly higher levels of lubricin, a protein in the synovial fluid that protects cartilage and acts as a lubricant, compared to rats on a standard diet.
Kefir and joint pain
Kefir is cultured milk that provides us with healthy bacteria, including one strain called L. Participants of a study were given a daily dose of L. case for two months. At the end of the study, the participants showed significantly lower levels of inflammation and joint stiffness than a placebo group. Try using kefir in your cereal or adding it to smoothies instead of milk.
Oranges and joint pain
In one study, subjects with osteoarthritic knee pain who took a daily orange-peel extract for eight weeks reported a decrease in knee pain and had lower inflammation levels compared to the placebo group. The reason why the participants experienced less joint pain was due to a bioflavonoid in citrus called nobiletin. If you can’t find orange-peel extract, try making a smoothie with the whole orange, even the peel!
Salmon and joint pains
Studies with omega-3 supplements show that this type of fat triggers key reactions that lead to less joint pain and inflammation. Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids! Research shows that people who suffer from arthritis and take daily fish-oil supplements can typically decrease their use of NSAID drugs, such as ibuprofen.
Turmeric and joint pain
Participants of a study with osteoarthritic knee plan took turmeric extract for six weeks and found that it had minimized the discomfort from joint pain as much as taking 800 mg daily of ibuprofen. Turmeric is rich in curcumin, a strong antioxidant that can decrease the number of inflammatory compounds in cartilage cells. Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory and can easily be added to all kinds of dishes! Try adding it to rice, beans, stir-frys, salad dressing or curry dishes.
Best vitamins and supplements for ARTHRITIS & Bone/joint pain at GNLD NeoLife.
Joint pain can be extremely bothersome. Joint aches and pains increase with age and sometimes worsen in the presence of co-morbidities. While there are several drugs that reduce pain, these are not advisable to be taken over a long period of time. Supplements, in this case, can fill in for drugs and help relieve joint pain and prevent it from reoccurring.
Here are the best vitamins and supplements for Arthritis and joint pain in our opinion:
1) Glucosamine: This is one of the best supplements for knee joints. This fatty acid is a part of cartilage and other components of the joints. Glucosamine helps rebuild the bones and prevent cartilage wear and tear. It also prevents inflammation of the joints and adjoining muscles.
2) Chondroitin Sulfate: This is used with glucosamine, helps build the cartilage, and prevents pain in the joints. If chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine are taken in conjunction as supplements for joint pain, the pain may be abated and the joints may become stronger.
3) Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce the wear and tear of the joints. These fatty acids prevent the enzymes called collagenases from damaging the joints. Omega-3 is popularly used as a supplement for the knee joints and is known to reduce inflammation and strengthen the tendons.
4) Calcium: Calcium is an essential ingredient for the production of bones and teeth. Calcium is helpful in reducing joint pain and inflammation and is one of the best supplements for knee joints.
5) Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an anti-oxidizing agent that helps protect connective tissues like the ligaments, tendons, and skin, not to mention the bones and joints. Vitamin C helps make collagen which is important for the flexibility of muscles and blood vessels.
ARTHRITIS & Bone/joint pain vitamins and supplements Testimony
This testimony is for educational purposes only. Results may vary from person to person
Below are the very best vitamins you can take for Arthritis and joint pain. They really work! You’ll never want to try any other vitamins. Call for an expert recommendation.
 For nearly 60 years, Neolife has been helping millions of people to improve their health! Stop wasting your money on vitamins that don’t work! Use Neolife and  See results in just days! 

How To Stop Frequent Malaria Attack

Malaria fever is caused by a single-celled organism called plasmodium that thrives in the red cells of its victim. It spread from one to another through mosquito bites.

Malaria And Neolife Supplements You Can Use

Below are the vitamins and supplements you can use and stop frequenting hospital due to this fever.

Symptoms of Malaria

They include the followings:

  • Chills and headache that come and go
  • Fever that last every 2 or 3 days for at least 2-3 hours
  • high temperature
  • muscular pains
  • heavy sweating
  • loss of appetite
  • body weakness and pale skin
  • Other signs and symptoms may include:
  • Sweating
  • Chest or abdominal pain
  • Cough

Some people who have malaria experience cycles of malaria “attacks.” An attack usually starts with shivering and chills, followed by a high fever, followed by sweating and a return to normal temperature. Malaria signs and symptoms typically begin within a few weeks after being bitten by an infected mosquito. However, some types of malaria parasites can lie dormant in your body for up to a year.

Malaria Prevention

  • Avoid mosquito bite
  • Use mosquito nets when sleeping
  • Keep your environment clean
  • Remove breeding places like cans, broken pots,  stagnant water etc
  • Malaria Treatment
  • You must do a lab test to confirm you have malaria fever and start your malaria drugs immediately.
  • To help you recover you need to boost your immunity so as to help your body fight back.

During the world health day this year, it was declared that 800 persons die daily due to malaria fever.
If this is true, everyone need to protect themselves from this disease. It is a killer disease and should not be overlooked.

Causes Of Malaria

  • Malaria transmission cycle 
  • Malaria transmission cycle
  • Malaria is caused by a type of microscopic parasite. The parasite is transmitted to humans most commonly through mosquito bites.
  • Mosquito transmission cycle
  • Uninfected mosquito. A mosquito becomes infected by feeding on a person who has malaria.
  • Transmission of parasite. If this mosquito bites you in the future, it can transmit malaria parasites to you.
  • In the liver. Once the parasites enter your body, they travel to your liver — where some types can lie dormant for as long as a year.
  • Into the bloodstream. When the parasites mature, they leave the liver and infect your red blood cells. This is when people typically develop malaria symptoms.
  • On to the next person. If an uninfected mosquito bites you at this point in the cycle, it will become infected with your malaria parasites and can spread them to the other people it bites.

Other modes of transmission

  • Because the parasites that cause malaria affect red blood cells, people can also catch malaria from exposure to infected blood, including:
  • From mother to unborn child
  • Through blood transfusions
  • By sharing needles used to inject drugs
  • Risk factors
  • The biggest risk factor for developing malaria is to live in or to visit areas where the disease is common. There are many different varieties of malaria parasites. The variety that causes the most serious complications is most commonly found in:
  • African countries south of the Sahara Desert
  • The Asian subcontinent
  • New Guinea, the Dominican Republic and Haiti
  • Risks of more-severe disease
  • People at increased risk of serious disease include:
  • Young children and infants
  • Older adults
  • Travelers coming from areas with no malaria
  • Pregnant women and their unborn children
  • Poverty, lack of knowledge, and little or no access to health care also contribute to malaria deaths worldwide.
  • Immunity can wane
  • Residents of a malaria region may be exposed to the disease so frequently that they acquire a partial immunity, which can lessen the severity of malaria symptoms. However, this partial immunity can disappear if you move to a country where you’re no longer frequently exposed to the parasite.

How do you protect yourself and family from this attack?

  • Keep your environment clean
  • If you notice any symptoms mentioned above do a lab test to rule out this condition and to also avoid self medication which will delay treatment.
  • Have treated mosquito net in every room. Heat might be more but it is better than facing death due to this attack.
  • Detox yourself and family once or thrice a year to rule out any parasites in the body.

In addition to your malaria drugs, add the following supplements so you don’t get sick easily. It will reduce recovering time too.  Use

Carotenoid complex,Neolfe Carotenoid complex

Formula iv plus,Neolife Formula Iv Plus

Vitamin C

 Aloe vera plusGNLD-AloeVera

With this Product it will help you Fight Against Malaria illness

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