How To Stop Frequent Malaria Attack

Malaria fever is caused by a single-celled organism called plasmodium that thrives in the red cells of its victim. It spread from one to another through mosquito bites.

Malaria And Neolife Supplements You Can Use

Below are the vitamins and supplements you can use and stop frequenting hospital due to this fever.

Symptoms of Malaria

They include the followings:

  • Chills and headache that come and go
  • Fever that last every 2 or 3 days for at least 2-3 hours
  • high temperature
  • muscular pains
  • heavy sweating
  • loss of appetite
  • body weakness and pale skin
  • Other signs and symptoms may include:
  • Sweating
  • Chest or abdominal pain
  • Cough

Some people who have malaria experience cycles of malaria “attacks.” An attack usually starts with shivering and chills, followed by a high fever, followed by sweating and a return to normal temperature. Malaria signs and symptoms typically begin within a few weeks after being bitten by an infected mosquito. However, some types of malaria parasites can lie dormant in your body for up to a year.

Malaria Prevention

  • Avoid mosquito bite
  • Use mosquito nets when sleeping
  • Keep your environment clean
  • Remove breeding places like cans, broken pots,  stagnant water etc
  • Malaria Treatment
  • You must do a lab test to confirm you have malaria fever and start your malaria drugs immediately.
  • To help you recover you need to boost your immunity so as to help your body fight back.

During the world health day this year, it was declared that 800 persons die daily due to malaria fever.
If this is true, everyone need to protect themselves from this disease. It is a killer disease and should not be overlooked.

Causes Of Malaria

  • Malaria transmission cycle 
  • Malaria transmission cycle
  • Malaria is caused by a type of microscopic parasite. The parasite is transmitted to humans most commonly through mosquito bites.
  • Mosquito transmission cycle
  • Uninfected mosquito. A mosquito becomes infected by feeding on a person who has malaria.
  • Transmission of parasite. If this mosquito bites you in the future, it can transmit malaria parasites to you.
  • In the liver. Once the parasites enter your body, they travel to your liver — where some types can lie dormant for as long as a year.
  • Into the bloodstream. When the parasites mature, they leave the liver and infect your red blood cells. This is when people typically develop malaria symptoms.
  • On to the next person. If an uninfected mosquito bites you at this point in the cycle, it will become infected with your malaria parasites and can spread them to the other people it bites.

Other modes of transmission

  • Because the parasites that cause malaria affect red blood cells, people can also catch malaria from exposure to infected blood, including:
  • From mother to unborn child
  • Through blood transfusions
  • By sharing needles used to inject drugs
  • Risk factors
  • The biggest risk factor for developing malaria is to live in or to visit areas where the disease is common. There are many different varieties of malaria parasites. The variety that causes the most serious complications is most commonly found in:
  • African countries south of the Sahara Desert
  • The Asian subcontinent
  • New Guinea, the Dominican Republic and Haiti
  • Risks of more-severe disease
  • People at increased risk of serious disease include:
  • Young children and infants
  • Older adults
  • Travelers coming from areas with no malaria
  • Pregnant women and their unborn children
  • Poverty, lack of knowledge, and little or no access to health care also contribute to malaria deaths worldwide.
  • Immunity can wane
  • Residents of a malaria region may be exposed to the disease so frequently that they acquire a partial immunity, which can lessen the severity of malaria symptoms. However, this partial immunity can disappear if you move to a country where you’re no longer frequently exposed to the parasite.

How do you protect yourself and family from this attack?

  • Keep your environment clean
  • If you notice any symptoms mentioned above do a lab test to rule out this condition and to also avoid self medication which will delay treatment.
  • Have treated mosquito net in every room. Heat might be more but it is better than facing death due to this attack.
  • Detox yourself and family once or thrice a year to rule out any parasites in the body.

In addition to your malaria drugs, add the following supplements so you don’t get sick easily. It will reduce recovering time too.  Use

Carotenoid complex,Neolfe Carotenoid complex

Formula iv plus,Neolife Formula Iv Plus

Vitamin C

 Aloe vera plusGNLD-AloeVera

With this Product it will help you Fight Against Malaria illness


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