Coronavirus prevention tips

Stay safe, don't panic!
The Coronavirus infection has been reported in several countries including Nigeria and declared a global emergency.
Because we always put You First, here are some information about the virus and how to prevent or reduce risk of infection.
The virus is most commonly spread from an infected person to others by:
  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Personal Contact: Such as touching, hugging or shaking hands
  • Touching an object or surface which has been exposed to the virus, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes
  • Fecal contamination
Symptoms can include: 
  • Fever   
  • Cough  
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath  
How to prevent or reduce your risk of infection
  • Regularly wash hands with soap and water.
  • Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing
  • Wear a mask. Masks should not be touched or handled during use. 
  • Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms. 
  • Thoroughly cook meat and eggs.
  • Avoid unprotected contact with live wild or farm animals 
  • Avoid travel to high risk areas.
coronavirus prevention tips
Remember, Health is Wealth!


GNLD Neolife Vita-gard  (children & kids)

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Childhood can be a pretty scary time for both kids and parents. Children face obvious threats, such as a car speeding through an intersection that must be crossed. They also encounter mysterious hazards, such as electrical sockets, paint thinner, and pesticides, and invisible villains, such as viruses and bacteria.
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While parents try their best to protect their offspring, certain unalterable “facts of childhood” create both hidden and obvious health hazards for children:

Children are dynamos, burning enormous amounts of energy to fuel their sky-high metabolisms, maintain their tremendous growth and development, and support physical activity levels that would exhaust most adults.
Children’s poor diets are typically characterized by too much fat, too many highly processed foods, and not enough fruits and vegetables.
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■ Children are routinely exposed to environmental pollutants such as smog, ozone, cigarette smoke, and pesticides.
■ Children’s immature immune systems are constantly exposed to bacteria and viruses in the course of their various activities and explorations.

Free-radical damage compromises the health of cells in the short term, but eventually it may “snowball”, leading to age- related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, cataracts, the decline of the immune system, and degenerative diseases of the nervous system. While these ailments have long been accepted as inevitable consequences of time, it may be possible to forestall or prevent the cellular damage that precedes disease.

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Fortunately, nature has a solution to the free radical problem. She has packaged antioxidant nutrients in the fruits and vegetables we eat to prevent their spoilage. But they also may forestall our “spoilage”. Antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin C and flavonoids, for instance, protect the watery regions of cells from free radical attack, whereas the vitamin E family and carotenoids defend their fatty regions, particularly the membranes through which cells absorb nutrients and excrete wastes. Zinc and selenium are also crucial components of the body’s natural antioxidant enzyme systems. Mother Nature was indeed wise to put these antioxidant nutrients together in the foods we eat, because research suggests that combinations of antioxidants are more effective than larger quantities of any single antioxidant.

As long as the body has abundant antioxidants, free radicals are held in check. But when the antioxidant defense team becomes overwhelmed, free radicals can initiate reactions that harm and even destroy cells. For instance, a typical human cell undergoes 10,000 oxidative “hits” to its DNA everyday! DNA damage accumulates over time, and so does the risk of cancer, one of the diseases linked to free-radical damage. Antioxidants may lessen the lifetime risk of cancer, not only because they prevent free-radical damage, but also because they boost the immune system, which is the body’s first line of defense against disease. In a study conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, for instance, GNLD’s Carotenoid Complex was shown to strengthen the body’s defenses, causing a 37% up-swing in immunity in study participants. Many of the ingredients in Carotenoid Complex are included in the Vita- Gard formulation. The carotenoids and other nutrients in Vita-Gard may similarly help strengthen children’s immune systems and contribute to their ability to meet the many infectious challenges of childhood. 

Antioxidants destroy free radicals. In the process, however, the antioxidants themselves are either destroyed or re-activated, so they must constantly be replenished. How much antioxidant protection a person needs depends on metabolic rate, lifestyle, diet, and health. Since most children have high metabolisms, active lifestyles, poor diets, and constant exposure to infectious agents, their antioxidant needs can be great. 

Great-tasting Vita-Gard is an unmatched opportunity in children’s nutrition. It provides antioxidant nutrients typically deficient in children’s diets at a time when cellular protection is most crucial. Another GNLD “first”, Vita-Gard provides complete antioxidant protection for children from fruit and vegetable concentrates. Its exclusive blend of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients (plant nutrients) was specially formulated by our Scientific Advisory Board to maximize cellular protection, and no other children’s product provides as broad a range of water- and lipid-soluble antioxidants. Your child can begin to reap the rewards of antioxidant protection as soon as he or she is old enough to chew a tablet!

All GNLD products are based in nature and backed by science. Following Nature’s blueprints, our Scientific Advisory Board uses cutting-edge research to design truly innovative, high-quality products. Our goal is to bring you healthful nutrients in as natural a context as possible. Vita-Gard meets that goal because it features:
Broad-spectrum carotenoids, not just beta-carotene. Beta- carotene does not exist in isolation in nature — it’s part of a huge family with approximately 600 members! But many supplements supply it alone rather than with the other healthful members of the carotenoid family. Not Vita-Gard! Vita-Gard is the only children’s chewable to deliver beta- carotene with the other carotenoid family members that exist in foods, such as alpha-, gamma-, and zeta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-cryptoxanthin. It’s an excellent source of vitamin A from the human food chain, and it offers broader protection of cell membranes.
The entire vitamin E family, not just alpha-tocopherol. Similarly, Vita-Gard contains the entire vitamin E family of tocopherols and tocotrienols as they exist in natural foods, not just the most common member in isolation (alpha- tocopherol). The benefit is more complete protection for cell membranes.
Broad-spectrum flavonoids. Vita-Gard features a broad spectrum of flavonoids, not just the one or two found in other supplements. The result is better protection for the water-soluble portions of cells.
Whole-food ingredients. You won’t find ingredients as wholesome as those in Vita-Gard in any other children’s supplement. Made from whole foods, flavored with natural fruit essences, and sweetened with fructose and fruit juices, Vita-Gard contains ingredients you can feel good about! And it doesn’t contain ingredients that cause concern — sugar and artificial colors, sweeteners, and flavors 

GNLD’s Energy Program for children supports optimal cellular nutrition by providing products to fulfill the specific needs of growing children. Vita-Squares provide the lipids, sterols, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that help address the need to feed the cells. Our delicious NouriShake protein supplement provides the amino acids necessary to support renewal and repair of the cells. And Vita-Gard delivers a broad spectrum of natural, whole-food antioxidants to help meet the challenge to protect the cells.
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Proprietary blend of whole grain concentrates that provide cellular nutrition for energy and vitality*

Key Benefits

  • Energizes your entire body by helping your cells function more efficiently.
  • Promotes efficient nutrient utilization needed for cardiovascular growth and development.
Cell Membranes need lipids and sterols to stay healthy. Unfortunately, grain processing strips lipids, sterols and other vital nutrients from the foods that make up our dietary staples. Tre-en-en grain concentrates help assure good nutrition at the cellular level by providing a unique and exclusive blend of whole food extracts from wheat germ, rice  bran, and soybeans. Developed and introduces by Neilife in 1958. Tre-en-en was the worlds first phytonutrient supplement. It provides phyto-LIPIDS essential to optimal health and cellular function, including omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, and phyto-STEROLS, including beta-sitosterol, gamma-oryzanol, stimasterol, and campesterol, plus octacosanol.
Power in Whole Grain


Our cells are surrounded by special membranes that allow nutrients to get in and waste to get out. If these cellular membranes are starved of vital nutrients (lipids and sterols), they become inflexible and can't perform these critical functions. Whole grain lipids and sterols allow your cell membranes to become their flexible best, making it easier for nutrients to get in and waste to get out.*

Proven Performance 
It was shown in a Texas A&M University Study that when Tre-en-en is present in the diet, overall growth and development, nutrient utilization efficiency, and cardiovascular development improved.


Take 1-3 capsules daily with meals.

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It has long been known and proven that omega-3 fatty acids play critical roles in the human diet. In particular, two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) have been well researched.
Today the latest scientific research not only continues to validate the important roles of EPA and DHA in human health, but it has also shown that there is a whole family of omega-3 fatty acids, a total of eight in all, which contribute to optimal human nutrition. This critically important chain of dietary omega-3 fatty acids starts with ALA (alpha linolenic acid) and ends with DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), taking six important steps along the way. Each is now known to have its own unique biochemistry and supporting “synergistic” role in human omega-3 nutrition.
CSIRO recommends 3-5 servings of fish per week for optimal health. Unfortunately, the problem for many adults is that they eat very little fish on a consistent basis and rarely meet this important nutritional need. Large portions of the population go without getting any broad spectrum omega-3 intake for weeks, sometimes months. Not to mention the fact that much of the fish supply is suspect due to environmental contamination. Pregnant women, who have the highest dietary needs for omega-3 fatty acids, ironically are instructed to limit their fish intake to one serving per week, due to contamination risk.

Image result for photos of neolife omega 3 Neolife solves the problem of inadequate omega-3 fatty acid intake with Salmon Oil Plus. Pure and potent, Salmon Oil Plus provides a complete omega-3 profile of salmon oil with all eight members of the omega-3 fatty acid family, assuring complete omega-3 supplementation in every dose.
It’s the first supplement of its kind to assure a standardised amount of all eight members of the omega-3 family involved in human nutrition.
Salmon Oil Plus is based on pure, natural salmon oil, providing all the benefits of one of nature’s richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
It includes UHPO3 –Ultra High Potency Omega-3 fatty acids – an exclusive Neolife technology that boosts, stabilises, and standardises specific, health-promoting omega-3 fatty acid levels while maintaining the whole food goodness of natural salmon oil.

Image result for photos of neolife omega 3 It’s derived by “molecular differentiation” – leading edge technology that selects specific nutrient molecules from tuna, sardines, and anchovies, while eliminating or reducing others, delivering unsurpassed potency, purity, and consistency.
It’s safe, with no risk of accumulated toxins. Only the finest, top quality, health-screened, disease-free fish selected for human consumption are used. All sources are screened for more than 160 potential contaminants with an allowable detection limit of ZERO.

Image result for photos of neolife omega 3 Potency guaranteed to deliver 460 mg EPA, 480 mg DHA, 50 mg DPA, and 80 mg mixed omega-3 fatty acids with every 3-capsule serving.

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No hidden vitamins A or D.
Inlude gelatin, glycerin, and water
EACH CAPSULE CONTAINS: Total omega-3 fatty acids 355 mg
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 160 mg Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 153 mg Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) 16 mg Stearidonic, Eicosatrienoic, Eicosatetraenoic, Heneicosapentaenoic, Alpha-Linolenic acids 26 mg and Encapsulating aids
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
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Benefits of Neolife Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus
A recent study with 31 healthy adult volunteers…16 women and 15 men, whose ages ranged from 35 to 65…was presented (by invitation) at a meeting of Experimental Biology in 2008. The study looked at the effects of supplementation with 3 capsules a day of Neolife’s Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus, over a period of just 8 weeks.
Studies elsewhere have been done with larger doses over a longer period, with people who already have health challenges.
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Neolife wanted to see if their Salmon Oil Plus would have any beneficial protection for healthy people, in a short period of time, using a small amount.
The clinical trial was conducted with the direction and guidance of Dr Arianna Carughi, who is a Stanford Fellow and member of Neolife’s Scientific Advisory Board.
However, all blood samples at the start, after 4 weeks, and after 8 weeks were collected, analysed and reviewed by independent experts, to ensure no company bias.
Here’s a brief description of the health benefits they found
lowered triglycerides…
The level of triglycerides… a type of fat in the blood… gives a good idea of the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. In general, the lower the amount of triglycerides, the lower the risk of developing heart disease.
Even those people in the study, who started with triglycerides in the range normally considered safe, experienced an average reduction of 17%!
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One person’s blood triglycerides, which were found to be unexpectedly high at the start (436 mg/dL), dropped to 210 mg/dL in just 8 weeks… a whopping 52% improvement!
Improved omega 3-to-omega 6 ratios…
The amount of omega 3 fatty acids compared with the amount of omega 6 fatty acids inside cell walls, is a further indicator of the risk to cardiovascular health.
Supplementation with Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus produced a 43% improvement in the omega 3-to-omega 6 ratio. That’s a really big heart health benefit!
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Raised cardio-protective omega 3 index…
Three recent population studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed a direct relationship between the omega 3 index and cardiac arrest. The higher the index, the lower the risk of a your heart stopping.
Neolife Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus supplementation resulted in a rapid rise of 38% in this important omega 3 index. And of course, the significant rise means a corresponding fall in the risk of sudden death from heart failure.
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Proven anti-inflammatory benefits…
The effects of low-level (often called ‘silent’ ) inflammation over a long period of time have been directly implicated in the epidemic of chronic diseases seen around the world.
By the way, inflammation is also one of the recognised driving forces of the ageing process.
Whether you’ve got silent inflammation or not, depends on the balance inside your body between omega 3 fatty acids and another substance, called arachidonic acid.
Both fatty acids are normally present in the membranes of our cells, in balance with each other. However, if there’s much more arachidonic acid than omega 3 fatty acid, the balance is tipped towards inflammation, with a resultant increase in disease risk.
And you’ll also look older than you really are!
Neolife Omega 3 Salmon Oil was able to displace arachidonic acid from cell membranes by 9.6% in just 8 weeks. Tipping the scales like this in favour of reduced inflammation means a healthier life… with fewer wrinkles!
Lowered inflammatory index…
Inflammatory index is becoming an increasingly important means of assessing the risk of developing chronic diseases. It’s determined from a series of medical tests, analyses, and calculations. The higher the number, the greater the risk of disease.
All the volunteers in Neolife’s study were considered healthy, with an average inflammatory index of 2,5.
However, after only 4 weeks of supplementation with Neolife’s Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus, the average value dropped by 60% to 1,0.
And then it dropped even further to 0,8 at the 8-week point.
This represents a phenomenal 68% reduction in the inflammatory index, meaning a huge reduction in the chance of developing chronic diseases.
Scale of protection…
After years of investigating the relationship between fatty acid levels and cardiovascular disease, experts have established a scale of protection based on the omega 3 index. The scale has values between 0% and 10%.
Results from seven large studies of cardiovascular disease have shown that the zone of greatest benefit is in the range between 6.5% and 9.5%.
And it was also shown the omega 3 index doesn’t have to change much to have enormous protection benefits.
So a small increase in the omega 3 index, producing an increase from 6.5% to 8.5% in the scale of protection, equated to a whopping 70% reduction in the risk of fatal heart attack.
Data from Neolife’s Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus study showed that after only 8 weeks of supplementation, the scale of protection rose from 6.24% to 8.5%.
That’s a rise that means not only a huge increase in heart protection, but it’s also in the zone of greatest benefit, too.
Summary of benefits…
This recent study of Neolife’s unique Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus supplement confirmed…
  • it’s readily absorbed from the intestines
  • it’s utilised by the body
  • it reduces significantly the risk factors of heart and cardiovascular disease
  • it lowers the amount of inflammation by restoring the fatty acid balance in the cells
  • it reduces the risk of developing inflammatory conditions, like heart disease and joint degeneration
There’s no doubt it… Neolife Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus supplement, taken regularly every day, will improve almost every part of you!

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